Abdullah, a young Eritrean artist, has worked alongside others to decorate the makeshift church that has become an important focal point in the Calais camp. Amid the bleakness of The Jungle it has provided a haven for people who want to pray and reflect and experience the warmth of community.
Jesus’ enemies appealed to Pilate because as governor he had the power to execute him. The events that unfolded were about the Roman leader’s attempts to keep the peace, avoid stirring up trouble and maintain his position as opposed to doing the right thing. Pilate tried different strategies, attempted to find a way out by presenting Barabbas to the crowd in the hope that they would agree to Jesus’ release. During all of this, Jesus said very little, but what he did say suggests he was operating according to a different set of rules and values.
What defines us? At a time when the authorities are seeking to tag refugees and otherwise put a question mark over their identity, the churches, theatres, cafés that have sprung up in the camps are a symbol of creative resistance, a sign that people have the potential to move to a different rhythm, to be something other than what the authorities dictate.
My kingdom is not of this world