Ahmed is a landowner in Lebanon, who has given Syrian refugees space where they can pitch their tents and develop some facilities such as a school. He asks a fair price, provides good facilities, visits regularly and is getting to know the people who are living there.
Joseph of Arimathea lent a tomb so that Jesus could be buried hastily before the beginning of Passover. This was the start of the waiting time, the in-between time, while out of sight and against all hope, a new story was readying itself to be told.
Is the refugee crisis a story ripe for disruption? Could the downward spiral of events be reversed, and if so, what new stories might break out to alter the course of the current desperate narrative?
Tear this temple down and I will rebuild it in three days
Refugee children living in Baqaa Valley on the
Syrian border.
A child caring for her sibling; a common sight in the camp where the loss of adult family members means that children shoulder the responsibility for the younger ones.
In the privacy of her tent, a mother takes off her veil, Baqaa Valley, Lebanon.
Two best friends holding on to each other. Sunni refugee camp, Baqaa Valley, Lebanon.